Tarpon Fishing Guide Boca Grande and the surrounding areas has become so popular it is hard to fathom. It is that time of year again when the tarpon start to show in places like the shallow waters of Foster Bay near North Captiva to Little Gasparilla Pass and all along the beaches. Of course let us not forget the infamous Boca Grande Pass, the place always filled with controversy. Personally I like to stay away from the crowds and fish the back country areas far from other boaters. I will occasionally head to the beach and with certain customers toss a crab (Crab below photo) at a passing Tarpon Pod. It really is all in what the customer wants.

Tarpon Fishing Boca Grande On The Fly
When Tarpon Fishing on the Fly the angler usually is casting at passing tarpon attempting to get a tiny fly inches away from the giant black eyeball of a tarpon. Dangling a chocolate bar in front of a child and teasing him or her with it until they hopefully decide to eat. Hyperbole of course but you get the point. It’s tricky, frustrating and rewarding all at the same time.
Tarpon Fishing Boca Grande With a Guide
Look I am not trying to sell you something here but if you want to be successful at this then hire a fishing guide it is well worth your time and money. To catch a tarpon on fly can take a lifetime of understanding and study or you might just get lucky which is the preferred method. Putting the fly in the right place can be best done with little guidance and help.

Tarpon Fishing Handle With Care
Tarpon are a most beautiful creature and should be handled with the upmost care and respect. Knowing when to cut the fish off and how to handled the fish once landed all comes from experiences that guides and accomplished anglers learn from others or just doing. If you are not sure what you are going to do with the tarpon once you get it to the boat ask someone or do some research so as not to harm the animal in anyway. Here are some links to the state laws about handling tarpon FWC TARPON RULES

The Reward of a Lifetime
The fight will cost you both mentally and physically. It is something that you will remember all of your life. It will be one of those moments a learning moment. Nothing easy is worth having if you are catching tarpon the easy way then where is the reward? This is the question I ask? Challange yourself and the challenge will pay off in the form of success. For information about taking a Tarpon Trip with me Call Today